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TASOSTASOUS 26/04/2024
fast delivery to Greece 🇬🇷 17 days very good product 👌 works fine
Comentários (5)
  • angellaz Are notifications shown in Greek language??

    Resposta 31/07/2024
  • solero1981 Ελληνικά εχει

    Resposta 20/11/2024
  • BG454151154 Τι διαστάσεις είναι;

    Resposta 04/01/2025
  • BG454151154 Τι διαστάσεις είναι

    Resposta 04/01/2025
  • TASOSTASOUS if on your mobile phone the notifications are in Greek and on the watch the notifications are exactly the same as on the mobile phone.
    No, its software does not have Greek language.
    It is 3.7 cm

    Resposta 18/01/2025
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