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Grimpo 26/05/2016
I am not happy about this item at all. Two pieces purchased, both the same problem. I need delay about 25-35 seconds. Following the table list - two possibilities of jumper settings. S1-1 / S2-0 / S4 - YES. The range of delay tuned by trimmer I get just from 6 sec to 8 sec! So I tried setting S1-0 / S2-0 / S4-NO. I get range from 4,5 sec to 6 sec! So I tried third setting: S1-1 / S2-1 / S4-NO, which should give 38 sec to 340 sec, but I get just 38 sec to 46 sec! At both modules! Am I the only one who has this problem? Not only this. I was filling it with 12V DC. So, I want to try this test with filling by 5V DC. OK, LED did shine, timer was doing something, but the relay DIDN´T swith at all! Back with the 12V it switch again.
Comentários (4)
  • Banggood Dear customer, Sorry to hear that. Would you please contact our customer service cservice@banggood.com?  Please send us your order number and a video or some pictures to show your problem.

  • Summerkill8 No you are not the only one i have written a huge number of times to Banggood without an answer. Banggood removed the timing chart from the website and they tell me refer to the website ! I needed a delay of 90 secs and all i got was or very small delay (less than 60 secs) or very long delays (more than 5 mins). I tried all sequence of switches including a fourth one which is at the side of the supply.

    Resposta 07/06/2016
  • 1a1r0 I have the same problem, the times do not match those shown in these characteristics.

    Resposta 20/07/2016
  • You are not the only one. I ordered 2 of these, and the timers are defective in both of them. Bangood is obviously just going to keep selling them anyway.

    Resposta 05/08/2016
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