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Very good product for the price
These are great little connectors at a great price. Will work great for applications were a 4mm connector / plug is just too big. I'm using them for quick change outs on small wire connections ( 14 awg - 18 awg ), such as a 2.1mm barrel connector with wire leads that was cut from a dead 'wall wart' - using it in a bench power supply that I built. Also, they are able to be 'stacked' or 'piggy-backed' which is always a nice feature to have ( so that you can draw power from one source to multiple projects ). I've ordered just about every banana connector / plug combination that Banggood has to offer - what can I say " I Love Banana Plugs" :) But really, banana connectors make a great connection for power supply and other wire applications ( great for speakers too ) that require repeated swap outs. Also, the plastic jackets seem to be sturdy and lock into place very well ( better than some that I've purchased elsewhere ). They do use a 'living' plastic hinge to lock - but as long as you solder it correctly the first time, you shouldn't have to keep re-opening the wire lock. They seem sturdy enough to last a while and inexpensive enough to buy many more. Now Banggood is fast becoming my online store of choice for oddball electronic things that I cannot buy ( or just too expensive to buy ) at other online retailers. I still purchase my passive / active components from Newark / DigiKey / Mouser, etc... But, for quick parts bin refills I may give Banggood a shot for some of their resistor, capacitor, diode, transistor kits.