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BG610222840 27/08/2021
I received the product in good visible conditios and started to assemble as the specifications with great detail and precission. When I connected the power supply the circuit didn't work and can't measure any frequency. After many reviews and checks I noticed that the LDO 7559A-1 (5 volts regulator that supports 5V to 30V volts input) was very hot and the output voltage was 3.3 volts., connected with 5 volts USB from PC. I connected the circuit by less than 5 seconds to a 9 volts power supply, and the regulator output was 7,5 volts. and I disconnected quickly. I retired the 7550A-1 regulator and shortcuted the input-output of the regulator. Then I connected the circuit to de USB 5 volts power supply from PC and the circuit works propperly. Thank you Banggood for the commercial solution. All in all, the product is excellent and Banggood always offers the best solution for any trouble. Thank you Banggood
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