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  • 17/01/2016

    I've been very satisfied with this product, from the day I started using it as my new EDC light. The presence of an additional 18350 battery conversion tube in the kit and the smart driver, were the key reasons for me to purchase this light, since the full sized 18650 tube makes the light way too large for me to consider it an EDC (I am upgrading from a single 16340 light). It is still longer and wider than a 16340 light, with the 18340 tube installed, but not by much and I can definitely consider it pocket-able and EDC. The build quality is flawless on my sample, as well as the light looks very sleek and well designed. Threads are super tight at the moment, hope they don't wear out and loosen too much with time. The light output is insane! I have included 2 beamshots in turbo mode, from a height of about 10 meters. I'm using a high drain AW 18350 battery and no spring mod. Beam seems not too floody and not too throwy, so about right for most uses. The driver is a thing of beauty, you can scroll through modes forwards and backwards, and you can toggle features such as memory, having 7 or 4 output modes on or off, it's simply brilliant! I personally like the wide choice of outputs the 7 mode setting gives you, from a very low moonlight setting to the scorching direct drive turbo mode, there are "hidden" modes too, 10 Hz strobe, 1 Hz bike light strobe and battery level check. Remarks: The clicky button's pressing effort could be a little lower, since the half presses are very sensitive and the difference between a full click and half click is very significant on my unit. I'd love it if the light had been engineered with a tail magnet solution, (like the Olight S1 Baton and Xtar WK21) even if that means relocating the clicky button. For me personally, that is a feature I will miss from my old EDC.

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  • 21/09/2016

    At a fantastic price! Massive amounts of kudos has to go out to the people at Budget Light Forum for coming up with the A6, which is the S1's predecessor. I've purchased three of these now, all 3D tint, and all have been perfect. It's incredible how, with such high output, excellent quality and a great UI, BG can sell these for such a great price (~16 quid in my case). I've even done the head & tail spring bypass in one and it got even better. Throw in the option to use 18350 cells, add a ring magnet to the tail and these torches are incredibly versatile. I have to make this clear to potential buyers, this is a high quality torch at a budget price, don't let the low price fool anyone into thinking it's a cheapo torch!

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