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Steve180463 12/01/2021
We had a stock issue when ordered last year but got it sorted perfectly. The order arrived in a well packed box, it is very light in the hand, almost toy weight, just for future reference l believe that a lanyard connection is a suitable addition to the item. You have four intensity settings, full power, half power, strobe and side light. The unit is not as powerful as shown in the description, don't get me wrong the light is bright but not area bright as advertised. The side light option is really nice and bright and the strobe setting is good for attracting attention, main power and reduced power do not illuminate as shown but its bright enough as shown in the pictures plus it has a nice battery state in four green light's and the left side of the handle in the form of four pin light's. Overall it is a nice light torch but it has little less illumination than shown in the advertisement. Would l recommend it.... Yes I would as it is a nice little light torch with a really bright side light. Brightness of the main light was a bit disappointing when I actually saw the light but nevertheless it's a good torch.
Comentários (1)
  • BG417443681 Soundslike a nice HONEST Review of something that Falls Short of Expectations, but is still something Worth Owning.

    Resposta 04/06/2021
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