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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
Mjp240706 03/08/2021
Happy with it so far will fly it this week and put the video on YouTube, Mickyp Rc is the channel name
Comentários (8)
  • BG183254012 cant wait for the video

    Resposta 04/08/2021
  • daledoe no results on YT.

    Resposta 04/08/2021
  • BG191117571 Ifound your youtube channel and am waiting for your video with the Eachine F-16 50mm EDF. Much luck

    Resposta 06/08/2021
  • Mjp240706 weathers been really bad in England I will be out as soon as we get a nice day

    Resposta 08/08/2021
  • pidi52 @Mjp240706 Goodflying !

    Resposta 09/08/2021
  • pidi52 @Mjp240706 Wishyou a happy flight
    Lisbon - Portugal

    Resposta 09/08/2021
  • Redman https://youtu.be/TsC3A-Jbbw8
    check the elevator servo leads.

    Resposta 09/08/2021
  • Redman https://youtu.be/TsC3A-Jbbw8
    Check the elevator servo leads.

    Resposta 09/08/2021
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