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Dimitris Savvaris 27/03/2024
The flashlight came much faster than the estimated arrival date at least a week or 10 days ! The product is exactly what it promises in the description ! Came with correctly packaged without any problem and with all accessories and the correct batteries ! So we are talking about a quality product that came very quickly and reliably ! Although I think the site banggood could have done a better discount and had more effective coupons specifically for this product. That's my only complaint.
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  • Banggood Dear Customer, Thank you for placing an order on Banggood and we hope you will enjoy the products you bought. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us via these links: Personal Computer: http://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111Mobile: https://m.banggood.com/contact_us.html Best regards, Banggood Team

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