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d_t_a 25/07/2018
Take note: the Opus BT-C100 charger from Banggood, while can analyze/charge/discharge NiMh batteries; if you're thinking of charging Li-Ion batteries, then the product description does not indicate it supprots Li-Ion. And surely enough, my unit does not charge Li-Ion batteries (it indicates FULL immediately when I insert an 18650 or 18350 in various states of charge). See my youtube video demo of the charger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqjfp4XEFLw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hckCBD447Q
Comentários (1)
  • Fred Bear My BT-C100 works fine with Li-Ion batteries. Your charger is not working properly.

    Resposta 22/12/2018
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