Irrigador Oral Recarregável com Tanque de Água de Alta Capacidade Portátil Dental Irrigador Pulsação Techno

pyton Escreveu 2416 dias atrás.

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    • Para fuzzyLogic 20/11/2017 Great product only small issues with form factor and design it's sort of heavy and bulky to use as rather big and bottom heavy as it's filled with water in use. The power switch are a bit of a hassle to use instead of a on off switch its a mode stepping switch as it sprays water at high pressure it sprays it far away if remove it from mouth running :) and the flat step switch makes it harder then needed to stop it running quickly. Amount of water in canister are on low side takes two fill
    • Para pyton 20/10/2017 Bueno tiene buena pinta sólo falta probarlo a ver que tal va.
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