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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
BG348920123 23/12/2020
Great quality for price. Note - if fitting to a WLTOYS 144001 with upgraded metal front steering cups & brackets, found the inner bead screws catch so the wheels do not spin properly. Fitted on the rear with no problems.
Comentários (7)
  • BG183551241 Hi bro. Can you tell me about this tire size?

    Resposta 25/02/2021
  • BG182365421 Hi please can you tell me what hex slze is please as very interested in buying some thanx bud

    Resposta 26/02/2021
  • BG650363355 Thisset is so cool! The Phat Body is killer. What is the front bumper you have on it?

    Resposta 28/02/2021
  • BG451422553 12mm hex

    Resposta 09/03/2021
  • BG243719503 tire going the wrong direction

    Resposta 15/05/2021
  • runninron69 @BG243719503 Yes,they are indeed directional and you should pay close attention when mounting them or the performance will go down the crapper.

    Resposta 21/05/2021
  • BG555143426 привет, можешь скинуть ссылку на корпус?

    Resposta 26/07/2021
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