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donaldsneffe 21/09/2021
Awesome little truck for the initial price, fantastic. It is small, 16 cm, so really 1/28 scale (Defender 110 - even 1/29). The Body (but roof) is made out of metal. Everything else is plastic (but axles, screws), there are NOT a lot of metal parts as the first reviewer wrote. Real (plastic) beadlock rims, plastic gears, plastic bushings (no bearings). Nice roof rack with boxes and jerry cans. Super nice detailled interior, dashboard, seats. Working lights front and rear (always on), rear driving lights, turning lights. Should have fog lights, too, SMD LED sits on the front light board, but they do not work in my trucks. Large 050 motor with plastic gearbox, 3-wire servo. It is not a crawler, in between toy and hobby grade. Because it is so heavy it will tip over soon, it can only climb little more than 32° (without roof rack). Quite noisy, rather poor low speed modulation, not very strong, even if it has a super large motor. No ladder frame, inner fenders are a kind of frame. Quite difficult to disassemble. Very nice and detailed manual with exploded view of all parts. But for the (initial) price I bought it absolute bang for the buck. Nice toy for kids and adults. Watch my review video in the video section!
Comentários (2)
  • Joseph sweet, thanks for the info

    Resposta 24/10/2022
  • xandesf obrigado pela informação! aqui do Brasil!

    Resposta 12/09/2024
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