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  • 25/11/2014

    It's a nice kit for beginners and for oldschool buddies :). I write small review in russian at http://qsl.net/rw6hrm/html/7amrx.htm (sorry, but my English is sooooo bad).

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  • 26/09/2016

    I built this device in a couple of hours but am dissatisfied with the finished unit. The batteries do not fit properly and pop out their position due to the battery contacts. I had to glue in some foam to properly hold the batteries. The soldering of the antenna wires is quite difficult --even with my 35 years experience as an Analog design engineer with massive experience in building projects. The location of the IF transformer coils requires you to translate chinese symbols on the schematic using the internet but even then, The first IF coil slug is black and not red as some websites show in pictures of the completed unit. There are several websites mixing up the white and yellow IF cans. The proper placement is: B2-black, B3-White, B4-yellow, and B5-Green---at least that is what the schematic says. My radio worked but it is not an example of a good AM radio. You can listen to the ball game on it but don't expect much more. The amplifier transformers are also not identified on the schematic--I used the green as the first or primary transformer, B6 and red as the output transformer, B7. I built the circuit just to have a little fun as I am retired now (but not very old). AM ferrite antennas are very directional. The tuning dial "needle" sticker is VERY basic and unattractive. I think you are better off buying a working, old transistor radio from Ebay for better fit and finish if you want better tuning, sound and battery retention. I did like the use of two AA batteries over the traditional 9V battery for cost and availability. That is actually one of the key reasons I purchased this radio.

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