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miguel Jose 06/08/2020
Well, I'm not really happy with this.... The module and cables look awesome in a plastic box(small tupper) and came with 3M double face tape, the av audio cable and de battery connection and the module look really nice solder and with Imagen filter.. BUT!!!... the metal case arrive for the V3.0 and not for the V3.0 PLUS.... If they came together you came thought ..well... the metal case came for the V3.0 PLUS........ NOT, YOU HAVE TO CUTTING WITH YOU OWN DREMMEL.... Well I have another metal case for the V3.0 but I thougt... well, If It's coming from the factory cutting and painting look better from the factory, and now I have two metal case for a V3.0 and I have to cut one in other to use it with the V3.0 Plus........ If I had knew than I have to cut the box for the PLUS I I had ordered the reciver not the reciver and metal case.
Comentários (3)
  • Fredrik Chill bro, just snap it of with a plier. Only takes 2 sec.

    Resposta 13/09/2020
  • pelipeli ¿pero donde está tu problema? con un alicate se quita lo que sobra y que pueda entrar el display, ni dremel ni nada

    Resposta 22/04/2021
  • jpandes @Fredrik LOL! Thanks!

    Resposta 22/06/2024
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