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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
kiwiMark 17/10/2021
For the particular purpose that I bought this phone for, I really like it. For daily carry, I wouldn't be so keen (due to the weight & size). I have bought this phone to run navigation on my motorcycle as well as running an app that supports my radar detector and to connect to my Bluetooth comms in my helmet - all while being able to run for a whole day without needing to be plugged in to a charger. It has handled everything I wanted from it, very easily! I've tested it by putting it in my car and using navigation and the radar detector app during my commute. After 7 days with 5 hours of commuting, the battery is now down to 49%. Clearly in one day I could easily do more than 10 hours of navigating without needing to be plugged in to a charger. Actually, it has now been 9 days, including 6 hours of navigation and the battery is down to 40% - this phone would easily do way more than 2 weeks of standby on a charge. This great battery means that I can keep the USB port cover on when riding my motorcycle in heavy rain, this eliminates the one way water can cause a problem on a waterproof phone.
Comentários (1)
  • Tonnes Howdo you like it as navigation on your motorcycle?
    Regards, Ton

    Resposta 20/11/2021
Exame de Satisfação

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