rhe Thanksfor the insights, but I haven't found details for the aileron servo anywhere.
Resposta 08/11/2022rhe Also,my aileron servo arm has 1mm holes. The linkage is 2mm wire :-( Also, having an issue with tail wagging in gyro stabilized modes. I think it's related to the rudder servo control, it appears to produce a fine range of control in "expert", but a much larger coarse range when gyro stab is used. Then it often stops at a fine offset rather than return to neutral. Strange, probably programming.
Resposta 11/11/2022rhe Doyou have an issue with servo oscillations? My rudder shakes on the ground after control input changes and the also the tail is wagging in the air. Both occur with gyro stability on (non expert).
Resposta 12/11/2022BG163339394 @rhe No problems with ruder oscillation.
Resposta 18/11/2022BG163339394 @rhe yes I had to drill the holes at the servo arm to fit the linkage wire...
Resposta 18/11/2022BG163339394 No problem with servo oscillations
Resposta 18/11/2022BG163339394 @rhe i had to drill the servo arm to fit the linkage wire.
Resposta 18/11/2022BG163339394 @rhe No problems with the ruder oscillations .
Resposta 18/11/2022BG163339394 @rhe I had to drill the servo arm in order to fit the linkage wire.
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