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Principal crítica positiva para %s em Banggood, Compre o melhor %s com o menor preço na Banggood. Procure as críticas positivas mais úteis sobre %s antes de comprar., brinquedos rc, esportes divertidos, moda, eletrônicos populares
BG125457454 08/09/2023
They made some improvements, but some parts they still don't :) Like no grease in diffs, and the part on the rear I can't believe how WLtoys still doing the same. You should take that apart and twist the black plastics so you have better clearance on the rear wheels. Also please grease first and then you are done if you want. I run it 2 minutes than stopped because I'm not finished yet with make it RTR as it should and how I like it ;) Added/changed to LC racing wing, Remo tires, metal hex adapters... All in all it is a very good buggy for the price! Enjoy your hobby :)
Comentários (5)
  • BG114017154 hola, tiene retraso en la señal todavía? puede ir a 3S la nueva versión?

    Resposta 09/09/2023
  • BG125457454 Hola friend, I have not experienced delay. It response quick. I have no spare esc at the moment, so not tested 3s yet.

    Hola, no he experimentado ningún retraso en la señal. responde con precisión y rapidez. La batería 3S aún no se ha probado porque no tengo un ESC de repuesto en este momento.

    Resposta 11/09/2023
  • BG331844478 t787t

    Resposta 11/11/2023
  • Stewe87 You should take that apart and twist the black plastics so you have better clearance on the rear wheels?

    I run it 2 minutes than stopped because I'm not finished yet with make it RTR as it should and how I like it?

    Could you please explain.
    Thank you very much

    Resposta 08/04/2024
  • Stewe87 You should take that apart and twist the black plastics so you have better clearance on the rear wheels?

    run it 2 minutes than stopped because I'm not finished yet with make it RTR as it should and how I like it ;)

    Could you please explain?
    Thank you very much

    Resposta 08/04/2024
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