
Q: does this FC have GPS on it for a delta wing? pls get back to me thanks David

perguntado por BG411164424 sobre 2024-03-29 10:31:49

bitinas No. It is necessary to connect an external GPS.

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Q: من اين احصل علي قطع الغيار الاصلية لها

perguntado por mohamed_Qandil sobre 2022-01-11 15:15:34

bitinas You won't find special original parts. But identical details are used on other bikes. After a quick search on the internet, I found where to buy tires, sprockets, chains. Google to help you. :)

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Q: does fm radio works without plugging in headphone speakers set?

perguntado por saspyro67 sobre 2023-07-14 02:40:26

bitinas No. I have this phone and without the headphone cable the FM radio does not work. The wire is the antenna.

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Q: qual bateria cabe nela?

perguntado por BG105364950 sobre 2022-11-20 03:33:43

bitinas Bateria Makitas 18 V BL1860 BL e similares.

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