
Q: Is there a manual or steps to follow please for its installation?

perguntado por PlanèteDrones sobre 2021-10-01 10:40:31

SmooveG Download link in the product details as already explained in my product review.

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Q: What gauge AWG are the wire leads?

perguntado por BlakeGHX sobre 2020-05-18 15:32:53

SmooveG Mine are 22 AWG

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Q: Will this work with the DJI Air unit?

perguntado por BG445161618 sobre 2021-06-27 14:38:41

SmooveG Yes it will of you know how to connect the wires.

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Q: I need 3 pcs. When item will be available?

perguntado por absolut sobre 2021-04-09 20:39:09

SmooveG You might want to ask customer services instead of buyers who don't have access to that kind of information.

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Q: can you tell me what size is for a 450 sized helicopter?

perguntado por kanzezol sobre 2019-02-12 20:04:50

SmooveG Depends on the linkage you're using. If thicker than 2.8mm, u need #2. I use #1 for my 450 helicopter. It's right there in the reviews with pictures.

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Q: Does the product have anion function?

perguntado por batboy178 sobre 2017-12-18 02:00:32

SmooveG No, buttons are Timer, On Off and Led for different colours.

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Q: If i take 4 motor can i have a pair of 2 reverse motor for my drone?

perguntado por BG181210363 sobre 2021-02-05 03:07:26

SmooveG If I'm not mistaken, reverse can be achieved by switching two of the three wires, or by programming that into your ESC. Or do you mean you want reverse threading on the motor shaft.

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