Todas as mensagens

BG544236222 The barometric pressure value can be seen at the bottom right of the display.

2021-11-09 08:00:27 Útil (1)
respostas (2)

BG544236222 If the administrator fingerprint or password has been set, but the administrator password is forgotten or the administrator fingerprint is absent, it is impossible to reset and restore factory settings, unless you have another rear panel, connect this rear panel to the customer’s front panel, Then long press the "Settings+Reset" button to pair again.

2021-11-03 05:32:25 Útil (0)
respostas (1)

Q: compatible nfc / rfid tag ?

perguntado por pilotgr sobre 2021-10-15 11:53:47

BG544236222 It is compatible wih RFID, but NFC not.

2021-10-29 05:15:37 Útil (1)
respostas (2)