Banggood Dear customer, Thanks for your recent suggestion for improvement. We appreciate your interest in letting us know how we might better serve our customers.All suggestions for improvement are welcome by Banggood, and I thank you again for taking the time to put your idea forward for consideration.As a valued customer of Banggood, we feel inclined to offer you the best level of service at any time. We want you to make the most out of our products and services, and make sure that you are always satisfied. In line with this strategy, we will send your feedback to our supplier in order to improve the quality of the products we sell. If you have any further suggestion or feedback that you would like to inform us about, please do not hesitate to contact us: Best regards, Banggood Team
11/02/2025JonDun Thank you somedekin. You are 100% correct.!! Like you, I also ordered a few months ago and got the correct product but recently I re-ordered and they sent Product ID 1158404 which is cheaper item!. (see price) In my case, Banggood gave me full refund because the photos had not been changed. I tried to hack the new product as COMMON CATHODE but there still remains a problem if setting the Direction too quickly which causes the stepper position to drift.
Resposta 22/01/2018somedekin Salut JonDun. est-il vraiment possible de faire fonctionner le nouveau produit en COMMON CATHODE ? Comment faire ? De mon côté j'ai trouvé comment faire fonctionner les nouveaux produits sur une CNC avec un système RAMPS 1.4 . regarde le schéma de branchements de la R-CNC (common anode comme le nouveau produit) ici:
Resposta 14/02/2018JonDun Hi Somedekin Yes, but you need to modify the PCB: Remove the heat sink. The 3 ICs near the GREEN input connector are opto-isolators: The 8-pin DIP(6N137) is for the CLOCK(Pin 2=Anode, Pin 3=Cathode). The next 2 ICs (EL817) is for DIRECTION and ENABLE (Pin 1=Anode, Pin2=Cathode). Disconnect these pins from the PCB then you can directly wire the Anodes/Cathodes on the IC's to your electronics. Be sure to add limiting resistors (300 ohm is used on the PCB).Good Luck!
Resposta 16/03/2018JonDun Hi Somedekin, If you remove the heat sink you will see 3 IC's near the GREEN input connector. These are standard opto-isolators. The 8 pin IC is for CLOCK (Pin 2-Anode,Pin3 Cathode) the next two ICs are for Direction and Enable (Pin 1 Anode,Pin2 Cathode). Lift these pins off the board then you can wire Cathodes together etc. Remember to add limiting resistors (eg 200-300 ohms). I have modified 8 boards to common cathode. GOOD LUCK !
Resposta 22/03/2018somedekin Sorry, JonDun, I didn't see your reply. thank you very much for this information.
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