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kiwi91 28/06/2022
Quality feels good and it charges smartphone in fast mode but it must be placed directly on the sun for fastest charging. LE diode lights red when there is power available. You have power in shadows, although my phone won't charge (it switches from charging state to non charging every second or so). Maybe it would charge power bank or similar device when connected directly on DC output.
Comentários (2)
  • bossco89 you can use cable who has only 2 wires ,you get ti for charging drone or chep smartwach and it dont swich to fast mode ,then it will charge 5v and no swiching

    Resposta 01/07/2022
  • Dean Cvetanovski Same for me. Tryed into low light, and constantly goes into charging mode and out. Will try with other cable into direct sunlight. Older mobile phones dont have this problem, just smartphones.

    Resposta 18/07/2022
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