Rede de camuflagem 4mx3m para capa de carro, acampamento militar na floresta e caça ao tiro
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This will be the seventh or eighth net like this from Banggood I have bought. They are light. Waterproof so don't weigh a ton when its been raining. Seem to be UV stable as the sun is strong here and they have not faded at all after several months uv exposure. Durable and with use get roughed up and better as a cam net, "broken in" we used to call it in the forces. Nice strong net backing to the cam scrim. And the jungle colour scheme works really well in both woodland and scrub. "South eastern europe". Very pleased so far and this one will be used in yet another hide and left set up as it's affordable to have several. Thanks Banggood. I will be buying more ;-)
é uma qualidade razoável para o preço. são duas peças que foram unidas por corda de nylon verde, portanto, não afeta seu uso de forma alguma. é de fato um bônus se você quiser dividi-lo em dois componentes.