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BG981535154 08/09/2021
I can recommend this tool in terms of quality, very easy to chamfer an edge with a 45° cut. Everything is well build, there is no play so this edge trimmer produces very nice results. There is 3 blades inclueded, they are special and I have never seen them anywhere. Two sides straight, two sides rund for radius cuts. You can only get carbide inserts in that size with straight edges on all four sides, I find it strange that Hongdui or Bangood doesn´t offer these as replacements because without these special inserts the cutting side for round corners will be useless. Anyway, this is again a very great tool from Hongdui !
Comentários (3)
  • BG194817442 Warummu man als Deutscher hier in englisch schreiben? Ist unsere Sprache nicht mehr gut genug?

    Resposta 11/09/2021
  • Munter Banggoodsell the replacement blades


    Resposta 11/09/2021
  • UFOking Warumauf Englisch, damit auch der Rest der Welt was versteht.

    Resposta 12/09/2021
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