Motor brushless Racerstar BR2208 2600KV 2-3S para modelos de aviões RC
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This is clearly designed for multirotors, but it works perfectly to power this wingwing z84 flying wing: I have covered the wing with 75micron laminating film, and am powering it with a 2200mah 3s battery, but I still get unlimited vertical from this motor.
Мотор по качеству полностью устроил. Слегка тяжеловат. На 3S по описанию 27А. Пришлось ставить регулятор на 30А. Свистит очень приятно!!! В комплекте нет крепления (крест) и цанги (крепление пропеллера)!!! Это для меня оказалось не очень хорошо! The motor is completely satisfied with the quality. Slightly heavy. At 3S as described in 27A. I had to put the regulator at 30A. Whistles very nice !!! In the complete set there are no fastenings (cross) and collets (fastening of a propeller) !!! This was not very good for me!