
Q: What is the allen bolt used for on the bottom of the tool?

perguntado por BG394087431 sobre 2023-02-27 14:10:56

Shackman It's holds the grey section and gold section together.

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Shackman Given the thickness of material cut a small variance shouldn't affect most projects as all cuts will be "out" the same dimension. If still a concern I would play with the gantry laser mount last LAST. Ensure the work surface is dead flat. Loosen all the base frame fasteners, adjust and retighten to try to square and plumb . Otherwise shimming a support(s) will adjust relative angle vs worksurface workpiece. If the initial assembly of the mount is WAY off back out fasteners and adjust, if necessary us thin plastic washers, mylar sheet or a shim (cut up pop cans work great for shims). When setting the laser height to workpiece us the spacer in the center off the laser not off to the side or use two spacers. Best of luck.

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Q: how does it work, is there on and off?

perguntado por BG497451374 sobre 2021-11-17 16:37:20

Shackman Press and hold the power button for three seconds to turn on, three seconds to turn off.

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