
Q: quel est la version de la carte (V1, V2 ou V3 ) ?

perguntado por seb846 sobre 2019-09-30 05:19:14

roguestreak It's the new V3; white optocouplers, blue box. And yes I have one in hand to confirm it says V3.0

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roguestreak By default toggling a physical switch will TOGGLE the power, as will pushing the mini's button or the app button; ie. if the physical switch is ON and you push the mini or app button, the controlled device will switch OFF. Then changing the physical switch to the perceived OFF position will turn the controlled device ON. I'm sure if you install Tasmota you could set up some rules so such occurrences are ignored, but it kinda defeats any point as half the time the smart control would be disabled (switch is ON, can't turn off via button or app); do you allow control when switch is OFF, won't that be just as "confusing", making any control at all redundant? If the state of the device isn't bleeding obvious (eg. a light) and the user needs to refer to the physical switch position, I'd suggest that adding automation isn't appropriate, or at the very least you should add an indicator LED (which the mini has).

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Q: Does this camera require an internet connection to work.

perguntado por chandan satpathy sobre 2018-04-20 22:35:19

roguestreak Not necessarily; you can just use it within your home network, though will need a time/date source, maybe could set your router as the NTP server? In fact my cameras are explicitly blocked from the internet, another device on the network records their streams if a motion detection threshhold is passed, and serves as an intermediary for presenting the streams to the outside world.

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Q: How to set it on the computer to watch

perguntado por zou886 sobre 2019-04-22 21:45:43

roguestreak Find the IP address that your router has given it (eg., and type that address into a browser. Don't bother with the software setup, not required. You do need the Adobe Flash plugin though (many new browsers don't include by default)

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Q: Is it possible to use it AD-HOC? There is no internet nearby..

perguntado por sanya69 sobre 2018-01-16 06:21:46

roguestreak If you flash it with Tasmota firmware you can do whatever the hell you want, on your local network. Most setup a local MQTT server (eg. raspberry pi, desktop), but it can be controlled directly without MQTT too, there are http commands and it has a webpage interface if you hit the IP address directly

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