
Q: Can you make a 2 pin y cable that each end is 2 pins? Thank you

perguntado por BG523842614 sobre 2022-05-18 13:33:29

BillShitts I don't see why not I've made a few combinations now they all work.

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Q: is this suitable for mn99s ?

perguntado por BG191505113 sobre 2022-02-16 13:18:27

BillShitts yes I put them on my mn96 cause they will work for most all 1 12 mn models.

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Q: se le puede conectar LEDS a este esc?

perguntado por arturogrupolala sobre 2021-07-25 17:23:51

BillShitts not to the esc directly but your receiver if its a 3 channel or more just plug leds in channel 3 or higher i use a 6 channel so I can have a winch and multiple leds.

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Q: Can someone please tell me the transmission ratio?

perguntado por Rocco sobre 2019-10-21 06:51:29

BillShitts not 100% sure but I know I use a 17tooth on my 21turn motor and it goes over just about anything very well.

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Q: Is the ESC waterproof?

perguntado por Timmy sobre 2021-06-11 11:12:04

BillShitts yes but you can always take apart esc and add more I like using liquid electrical tape.

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