
Q: what is mpu6000?

perguntado por bigcarlos sobre 2019-04-26 01:11:23

Riger MPU6000 is the most popular IMU sensor used on most best flight controllers. Reason being used everywhere, the MPU6000 has a great vibration tolerance and it can sample the gyro at 8kHz/8kHz. The ICM20689 can do 32KHZ/32KHZ but it is a highly sensitive gyroscope so super soft mounting, clean build, caps etc. are a must.

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Q: please change your brand name, you have not chosen wisely

perguntado por TheTomCutler sobre 2018-11-28 18:32:25

Riger I fully agree, I had to look closely to find out it was a "a" and not a "o" ;)

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Riger "R" is for Racing, it is only 45 degrees on throttle instead of the default 65 degrees.

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Riger No, can't be. What the description means is: Higher the transmission power of the VTX (in mW), higher the power consumption will be (in mA).

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Q: a FPV cam with Superview? :D

perguntado por Gilberto sobre 2018-08-04 09:08:29

Riger Indeed, but for what I have read, Runcam only recommend to enable the "Racing View" when using 16/9 goggles/screens.

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