
banggoodcom Twoplaces you lose a bit - a) computers tend to count KB, MB, GB in terms of 1024 (official way). Mem card and hard drive makers count them in terms of 1000 ("new math" way). This means on most desktop, laptop etc. will your card/HD will appear a bit smaller. The bigger the device the more you "lose". b) Formatting. When your computer formats the card (FAT32, NTFS, EXT4, HFS, etc.) that takes up some space so your free space also gets a little smaller. These are universal truths across Windows, Mac, Linux and every drive and SD card maker that I am aware of. Just know when you buy a 16G card you get about 14. You buy 32 you end up w/ about 28 64 you'll end up w/ about 55 or 56, etc. etc.

dizzysizzy 17/09/2021
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