
lacvo Doyou own any previous version of the Foxeer Cat cameras? If you do, what do you think the image of this camera compared to those in daytime use?

BG171213179 13/01/2022
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lacvo Youseemed to have added infra red light around your Cat3 night camera, what does the image look like without IR light?

AlexAll 26/08/2021
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lacvo @OneProdigy I have 2 AR-wing pro units. put 1-1450kv on one to use 6S and 1-2500kv on the other to use with 4S

lacvo 05/02/2021
Comentários (5)

lacvo Asa fellow Canadian like you, I think you should seriously consider buying more hobby products from Canadian stores (for products available, of course). Take the Hobbywing Platinum V4 60A for example, as of todat March 17, 2021. BG sells it for US$78.69. at RotorQuest, that same one (authentic) sells for US$55. On long weekends like coming Good Friday, you can get 10% discount of that price. Go figure bro

MadMaC 03/07/2020
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