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AguassissiM Yesit hold 2 of C or 2 of D cells just fine, as far as the picture goes that is up to the seller to post one not myself the end user.

2019-12-22 06:48:11 Útil (0)
respostas (3)

Q: are these high drain batteries? good for hi powered led flashlights?

perguntado por f1rchifi sobre 2019-07-28 11:16:33

AguassissiM Max.continuous discharge: 20A I use them in my BLF Q8 flashlight as well as in my HikeLight MT09R flashlight and they work just fine.

2019-12-22 06:34:06 Útil (0)
respostas (1)

Q: Is this cable supports data transfer?

perguntado por mahaveerindra sobre 2019-11-02 11:57:27

AguassissiM Nodata support, used for charging only.

2019-11-23 09:34:53 Útil (1)
respostas (1)

Q: what kind of ***** batteries do they suggest

perguntado por bigsack sobre 2018-11-09 07:36:12

AguassissiM 18650 Samsung 3000mAh INR18650-30Q High Discharge or these 18650 LG INR18650HG2 3000mAh High Discharge

2018-12-09 01:20:53 Útil (0)
respostas (1)