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NeoMod 28/03/2019
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Q: where is GWTR warehouse please?

perguntado por dlybe sobre 2019-01-29 04:54:56

NeoMod I'msorry I don't know.

2021-03-03 07:51:31 Útil (0)
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Vitaliy26 Unfortunately,the company stopped supporting this product of the year 1.5 already. The latest firmware version can only be found on the Internet and on forums ...

2020-02-20 11:46:57 Útil (0)
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NeoMod Indubbiamente se non si leggono le istruzioni e non si segue la benchè minima logica di sicurezza anche una forchetta può diventare letale se ingoiata. C'è scritto - come è ovvio - di aprire il coperchio quando si vuol far bollire l'acqua.

claudio1466 27/01/2020
Comentários (1)

NeoMod Idon't know, sorry.

2019-10-16 09:06:33 Útil (0)
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Q: Can I save records on cloud like one drive or Google drive? Tnx!

perguntado por daomva sobre 2019-10-14 10:04:20

NeoMod No,you can save them locally on the microSD and then access recordings remotely with the dedicated app.

2019-10-16 09:05:55 Útil (2)
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NeoMod Yes, this new version will. The Standard Version already did that (with original FW) but you needed to make some modifications to the PCB in order to connect an external switch that would act on the physical button integrated on the module. This version instead has already this option: you can connect both an external button or switch, via the S1/S2 entrance, and thus control the appliance both via APP and via the physical button.

2019-06-14 06:02:47 Útil (0)
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NeoMod No, as per the previous generation the "MINI" has only IR functionality, as you can read on the official website The "RM4C PRO" is the new version with IR & RF functionality.

2019-10-08 02:22:11 Útil (0)
respostas (3)

NeoMod Clearly, it can't operate the rocker switch. (one could install a return-switch, of course, but that's not the point here) But connecting the rocker switch to the S1/S2 entrance means taking the load off the switch: so each time you operate the switch you are only generating/sending a signal to the SonOff that, I guess, will interpret accordingly to a setup option. (basically, the very same thing that happens now with the modified firmware like Tasmota). If my interpretation is correct (and judging from the answers on the itead official product page it should be) the firmware will have an option to let you configure the behaviour of the external control(if a button or proper switch) and thus integrate the device accordingly with pre-existing hardware.

2019-06-14 06:12:12 Útil (0)
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Q: how does this switch differ from their other wireless switches?

perguntado por Cain82 sobre 2019-06-04 06:06:12

NeoMod It's different from other SonOff modules in many aspects: 1) It has a smaller body, so that It can easily fit into standard electrical boxes without having to remove the ABS Shell 2) It is already wired to accept an external switch, thus meaning you don't need to "modify" the PCB neither to give up your pre-existing wall switch 3) More importantly, it supports both types of external control: button and switch! 3) It has a smaller form factor! 4) It is not just a box that you put behind the switch! Actually it serves both as a traditional switch (re-using the existing walled switch/button) and a domotic controller compatible with both Google Assistant and Alexa 5) It's the first of the SonOff line to feature an Open API implementation: this means, in short, one can easily introduce this device into pre-existing home automation controller (like Thingsboard, OpenHAB, HomeAssistant, etc.) without the need to remove the original firmware!

2019-06-14 05:58:31 Útil (1)
respostas (7)