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Q: Are these Oil Filled?

perguntado por Tomley sobre 2019-11-27 07:19:35

TIX74 Not oil shock absorbers. Just grease inside

2022-03-30 10:35:57 Útil (0)
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Q: Voglio comprarlo nn ci riesco. Come fare?

perguntado por BG484861840 sobre 2021-10-16 03:59:42

TIX74 Che problema hai esattamente?

2022-03-11 04:34:49 Útil (0)
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Tiziano Zenari the gears are metal, you can find the RTR version, not this one I bought. I ve bought another one RTR now. Yes is waterproof. About the bodyshell I don't know the wheelbase of that body but I can check if you want.

2020-05-07 04:45:36 Útil (0)
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Q: is it good for 1:10 scale crawler?

perguntado por Tiziano Zenari sobre 2020-04-10 07:42:53

Coburglis02 This sound unit is for 1/35,1/24 and 1/18 rc car,1/10 is not

2020-04-14 09:34:36 Útil (0)
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perguntado por alanglas sobre 2020-04-12 02:03:25

Tiziano Zenari From the first picture I would say it's coronavirus in spray.

2020-04-12 06:04:20 Útil (0)
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Tiziano Zenari@MBorin Assolutamente! Vale veramente la pena per quel prezzo. E' fatto molto bene ma non ho ancora avuto l'opportunità di provarlo nel fuoristrada ma se guardi i video online non se la cava male. Ogni tanto ha qualche problema col semiasse sinistro, come se si incastrasse quando sterzo al massimo e gli ammortizzatori come già detto non sono ad olio, ma con pochi soldi li puoi rimpiazzare con altri adatti. Se vuoi te li posso procurare pure io visto che so già cosa ci può stare al posto di quelli originali! Fammi sapere se lo prendi.

Tiziano Zenari 24/03/2020
Comentários (3)

Q: Türkiye'ye geliyor mu? Gümrükten geçiyor mu?

perguntado por medyusa sobre 2018-02-05 11:23:42

Tiziano Zenari Sorryi can't understand you

2020-04-10 08:44:56 Útil (0)
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Q: Will this fit on axial scx 10 II?

perguntado por agM88 sobre 2019-11-17 05:05:52

Tiziano Zenari why no? Yes!

2020-04-09 09:17:55 Útil (0)
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Q: will this fit trx-4?

perguntado por brunoamfernande sobre 2019-05-10 01:57:03

Tiziano Zenari yes! I use on it

2020-04-09 09:16:49 Útil (2)
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Q: Can these wheels carry the van weighing 4-5 kg. Or they will crash.

perguntado por tamak5555 sobre 2019-10-04 01:58:16

Tiziano Zenari but for sure they can! they are aluminium. even plastic can manage 5 kgs

2020-04-07 05:31:21 Útil (0)
respostas (2)

Q: Can I mod it so that it becomes waterproof?

perguntado por AR15 sobre 2019-09-23 03:26:05

Tiziano Zenari No need i think, i use my rigs without waterproof led bars but if you want you can spray plastidip on the back of the board inside. It's very simple.

2020-04-06 08:23:42 Útil (0)
respostas (8)