Minhas perguntas

Q: at least, it include instructions ?

perguntado por jorzape sobre 2019-04-10 21:20:21

TommyTz I didn't receive the package yet to know

2020-03-24 10:16:09 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)

Conatus maybe you can use the “contact us” to contact the banggood customer service team.

2019-10-25 02:01:42 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)

Q: Can I use this to make a guitar ampli ?

perguntado por jorzape sobre 2018-10-22 18:25:30

wujiahui This is ok, but you need some electronic professional skills.

2018-10-23 20:09:08 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)