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Lissome The circuit board in this set cannot be compatible with the older radio transmitter,it should work with the new version controller

2020-02-14 23:57:19 Útil (0)
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Q: essa placa n binda com o transmissor antigo?? deveria bindar!!

perguntado por naldob sobre 2020-01-29 17:09:22

Trishlov This circuit board cannot bind with the older transmitter,you need to use the newest controller

2020-02-14 21:54:55 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)

Q: receiver??

perguntado por naldob sobre 2019-09-04 15:57:18

Chymiferous Package includes the receiver

2019-09-07 03:05:27 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)