Minhas perguntas

Q: incluye el tubo de extension??

perguntado por BG553651103CHITO sobre 2024-08-30 21:41:24

The seller Dear, thank you for your support. Only one tube is available.

2024-09-09 21:59:10 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)

Q: la v 10 L trae láser?

perguntado por BG553651103CHITO sobre 2024-03-29 16:46:03

Ahish Yes, V10L is the new version which has a laser instead of the UV light. This is a downgrade if you are interested in the UV light.

2024-03-30 21:35:46 Útil (1)
Respostas (2)

Q: es funcional?

perguntado por BG553651103 sobre 2023-11-19 01:10:33

BG203218043 Yes. This is a true EDC and headlamp. Very universal. It is small, comfortable and strong. The shade of light is white without green. I really like it for everyday use and at work. Buy an extra bushin... Ver mais

2024-04-11 04:07:34 Útil (1)
Respostas (3)

Q: incluye el difusor? gracias

perguntado por BG553651103CHITO sobre 2023-12-03 09:39:08

The seller Dear, thank you for your support, the goods are not included

2023-12-03 19:58:05 Útil (0)
Respostas (1)

Q: tiene voz en idioma inglés?

perguntado por BG553651103 sobre 2023-02-10 12:30:04

The seller Hello friends, it is an English broadcast.

2023-02-12 20:54:42 Útil (1)
Respostas (1)